CNC driver boards (school project)

For a school project me and some other students were tasked with making and driving a CNC machine with our own hardware and software. I will only be posting the hardware here since that was my task.
I designed 3 PCB’s
-microcontroller board
-stepper motor driver board

To keep the cost low the boards were max 100x100mm and were made modular and stackable with components spaced far enough apart so if any changes had to be made it could easily have been done without having to order a new board so we wouldn’t be short on time.

power schematic
power board 3D render
Microcontroller schematic
Microcontroller board
stepper motor drivers schematic
Stepper motor drivers board
Finshed project stacked
finished project

Author: Robin

I'm Robin Peeten, a science enthusiast specialized in electronics and IT. By working on a lot of personal projects I gathered a lot of knowledge and practical experience with the aforementioned subjects and more. Able to design and repair electronic and electrical systems, and work as a sysadmin for professional computer systems and server gear. Take a look at my project list for examples.

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