Ipad screen repair

For my last 2 years of high school I had to use an apple ipad, but because I can be a bit clumsy sometimes I manged to break the screen with a screwdriver once, then break it a second time because the first repair was not perfect and left a little gap between the glass screen and the alluminium case, after a few months this formed a crack in de glass that grew quickly and left the touchscreen unusable meaning it had to be repaired the second time. Both times I made a little timelapse video of the procces.

Author: Robin

I'm Robin Peeten, a science enthusiast specialized in electronics and IT. By working on a lot of personal projects I gathered a lot of knowledge and practical experience with the aforementioned subjects and more. Able to design and repair electronic and electrical systems, and work as a sysadmin for professional computer systems and server gear. Take a look at my project list for examples.

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